“I met with Jay and within 10 minutes I knew he was going to be my Realtor. I don’t know if he meant to or not but Jay set a very high bar for himself in that meeting. His introduction was specific, clear, concise and timely. Additionally he went over my “wants/needs” list with me. The other agents I dealt with just handed me the sheet and asked me to return it when I could. Jay went over it line-by-line at our initial meeting and asked for extra details about every line item no matter how insignificant I thought some of it may have been. He did his reconnaissance work to make sure he was fully prepared to find properties that were logical and not a waste of my time or his (Probably his background as a SEAL kicking in). Jay was open and available for any and all questions I had and there were plenty of them. Jay was also honest in his answers. If he wouldn’t be able to do something he flat out told me rather than dancing around it or giving me “maybe” or “I’ll see what I can do” answers. Those are always red flags for me. Jay also threw out a lot of contingencies in order to help me see the bigger picture and fully understand what I was getting into. I appreciated that a lot. As a first time buyer I didn’t always know what to ask and Jay could probably read it on my face because he seemed to answer questions I had as I was figuring out what I was trying to ask.”